
Zmors vs audulus
Zmors vs audulus

zmors vs audulus

I bought and cancelled the TE modular system within 30 mins of purchase. I forgot that I had mentioned that here, since it all happened so fast lol… Since you already have the two systems, Audulus, and, possibly a 1u utility row, then you can get into a real theme in your main row, instead of sweating trying to cram in “the plumbing.” Then you have a full-size empty proper row left. But If you get a case that also has a 1u row, then you can have access to the 1U modules, like VCA’s, mixers, guitar inputs, sample and holds, Ornament and Crime’s 1U version, etc., etc. Think this way…Cases are comparably cheap. There is also the ‘ 2hp VCA’)I thought with a case that size and those two systems + Audulus you would then only need an output module/mixer. But I also have an Erica Synths Pico VCA (which is 3hp. I mean I often run the Audulus VCA’s, rather than doing it externally. So I though, get an ES-8 and some power and you will see exactly what you want within a few weeks. The main reason I said all you need is an ES-8 is because I was under the impression you just bought a microvolt 3000 and a teenage engineering complete modular system. This is my baseline - ES-8 and a case (my tractor and barn lol) As mentioned: It could change, as newer and better things come out. That being said, I am plotting this as a strategy to follow over the next 6-12 months. I am far from captain moneybags with a bottomless bank account lol, and my sensibilities fall in line with what just mentioned about financial recovery before diving deeper, after I just bought the Microvolt. I am just a hardcore fan with a growing interest. I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I am some upper class dabbler with money to blow. All of which require space in the shed I built, which could have been a barn if I had given a little bit of thought to the future. other things I will end up also using to take care of the property, alongside the lawnmower. Then suddenly, with said accessories in my possession, a year later, I have a burning desire to build a time machine to go back in the past and convince myself to think ahead for once in my life, and consider the tree trimmer, chainsaw, snowplow, etc. Accessories that will complement the lawnmower, if you will. Too many times, metaphorically speaking, I have built the barn to house the single riding lawnmower I had, without taking into account that I had growing interest in other yard work to be done, and potential need for other things. In my defense, this is not a splurge all at once decision, by any means. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me For me it was all about analog FM and Mutable Instruments Plaits but it could be different on your journey. One of the things you have in Audulus is an infinite supply of “vanilla” waveforms, so choose wisely with your additional oscillators and make sure they bring something to the table. That said, looks great! There isn’t a module in there that I wouldn’t buy starting out. This is an enjoyable part of the journey, don’t rush through it. I have a Intellijel Quad VCA and a Makenoise ModDemix for that and I think they works quite well and serve different purposes. Even though it’s more like plumbing than anything else, these are vital to small systems. I think the inputs on the ES-8 are going to fill up if you use it as a mixer and that is a module that is a hub of live modulation. Before I start buying the first few items, I wanted to get some feedback about my proposed setup in case there is something I may not be considering.

Zmors vs audulus